Johann Gottfried Galle |
Heinrich Louis D'Arrest |
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Image | Full Name | Born | Died | Nationality | Fame | Details |
 | Abbe Nicolas Louis de Lacaille | 15th March 1713; Rumigny, Ardennes, France. | 21st March 1762; Paris, France. | France | Compilation of a Catalogue of Stars in the Southern Hemisphere - 'Coelum australe stelliferum (1763)'. Naming of 15 New Southern Constellations. | More... |
 | Albert Einstein | 14th March 1879; Ulm, Germany | 18th April 1955; Princeton, New Jersey, USA. | USA | Special and General Theories of Relativity; Revision of Newton's Laws of Gravity. | More... |
 | Anders Jonas Angstrom | 13th August 1814; Medelpad, Sweden. | 21st June 1874; Uppsala, Sweden. | Sweden | Spectroscopy, Unit of Wavelength of Light | More... |
 | Annie Jump Cannon | 11th December 1863; Dover, Delaware, USA. | 13th April 1941; Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. | USA | Spectral Classification of Stars: O, B, A, F, G, K, M. | More... |
 | Arthur Stanley Eddington | 28th December 1882; Kendal, England. | 22nd Ovember 1944; Cambridge, England. | England | Structure of Stars | More... |
 | Caroline Herschel | 16th March 1750; Hanover, Germany. | 9th January 1848; Hanover, Germany. | Germany | Assisted her brother William Herschel in compiling a Catalogue of Nebulae and Star Clusters. This formed the basis of the Dreyer's HGC. | More... |
 | Charles Messier | 26th June 1730, Badonviller, Lorraine, France. | April 12th 1817, Paris, France. | France | Comet Hunter (13 original discoveries, 7 independent discoveries); Deepsky Observations which produced his famous 'Catalogue of Nebulae and Star Clusters'. | More... |
 | Christiaan Huygens | 14th April 1629; The Hague; Netherlands. | 8th July 1695; The Hague, Netherlands. | Netherlands | Discovered true nature of Saturn's Rings in 1655; formulated the Wave Theory of Light; Derived the formula for periodic motion of a Pendulum. | More... |
 | Claudius Ptolemy | 90 AD; Egypt | 168 AD; Alexandria, Egypt. | Greece | Almagest, Ptolemaic System - Geocentric Theory of the Universe. | More... |
 | Daniel Kirkwood | 27th December 1814; Harford County, Maryland, USA. | 11th June 1895; Riverside, California, USA. | USA | Discovery of the Kirwood Gaps in the Asteroid Belt in 1857, and the correct interpretation of their origin - perturbations, resulting from orbital resonances with Jupiter. | More... |
 | Edmond Halley | 8th November 1656, Haggerston, Shoreditch, London, England | 14th January 1742, Greenwich, London, England. | England | Proposed the idea of Periodic Comets;predicted the return of Halley's Comet; produced the first Chart of Magnetic Declination and the first ever Meteorological Chart. | More... |
 | Edward Charles Pickering | 19th July 1846; Boston, Massachusetts, United States. | 3rd February 1919; Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States | USA | Pioneer in the use of Stellar Spectroscopy. Recruitment of women Astronomers when Director of Harvard Observatory, including Annie Jump Canon and Henrietta Leavitt; Discovery of White Dwarf Stars. | More... |
 | Edward Walter Maunder | 12th April 1851; London, England | 21st March 1928; London, England | England | Pioneer of Solar Physics, in particular Sunspots. Discoverer of the 11 Year Solar Magnetic Cycle. The period of low sunspot activity in the period 1645 to 1715 is known as the Maunder Minimum. | More... |