Cygnus - the 'Swan'
ConstellationCodeCommon NameOriginMapDetails
AndromedaAndThe Chained PrincessOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
AntliaAntThe Air PumpIntroduced by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in his book 'Coelum Australe Stelliferum' (1763)Click...More...
ApusApsThe Bird of ParadisePieter Dirkszoon Keyser (1595), Petrius Plancius (1597), Johann Bayer 'Uranometria' (1603)Click...More...
AquariusAqrThe Water BearerOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
AquilaAqlThe EagleOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
AraAraThe AltarOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
AriesAriThe RamOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
AurigaAurThe CharioteerOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
BootesBooThe HerdsmanOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
CaelumCaeThe ChiselIntroduced by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in his book 'Coelum Australe Stelliferum' (1763)Click...More...
CamelopardalisCamThe GiraffeThe constellation was first described by Jakob Bartsch in 1624, but was created earlier by Petrus Plancius.Click...More...
CancerCncThe CrabOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
Canes VenaticiCVnThe Hunting DogsIntroduced by Introduced by Johannes Hevelius in his 'Firmamentum Sobiescianum' 1690.Click...More...
Canis MajorCmaThe Great DogOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
Canis MinorCmiThe Little DogOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
CapricornusCapThe Sea GoatOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
CarinaCarThe KeelIntroduced by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in his book 'Coelum Australe Stelliferum' (1763)Click...More...
CassiopeiaCasThe QueenOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
CentaurusCenThe CentaurOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
CepheusCepThe KingOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
CetusCetThe Sea MonsterOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
ChamaeleonChaThe ChameleonPieter Dirkszoon Keyser (1595), Petrius Plancius (1597), Johann Bayer 'Uranometria' (1603)Click...More...
CircinusCirThe Drawing CompassIntroduced by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in his book 'Coelum Australe Stelliferum' (1763)Click...More...
ColumbaColThe DoveColumba was created by Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius in 1592.Click...More...
Coma BerenicesComBerenices's HairIntroduced by Tycho Brahe in his 'Astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata' (1602)Click...More...
Corona AustralisCrAThe Southern CrownOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
Corona BorealisCBrThe Northern CrownOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
CorvusCrvThe CrowOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
CraterCrtThe CupOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
CruxCruThe Southern CrossIntroduced by Petrus Plancius (1597), depicted later by Augustin Royer (1679)Click...More...
CygnusCygThe SwanOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
DelphinusDelThe DolphinOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
DoradoDorThe SwordfishPieter Dirkszoon Keyser (1595), Petrius Plancius (1597), Johann Bayer 'Uranometria' (1603)Click...More...
DracoDraThe DragonOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
EquuleusEquThe Little HorseOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
EridanusEriThe RiverOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
FornaxForThe FurnaceIntroduced by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in his book 'Coelum Australe Stelliferum' (1763)Click...More...
GeminiGemThe TwinsOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
GrusGruThe CranePieter Dirkszoon Keyser (1595), Petrius Plancius (1597), Johann Bayer 'Uranometria' (1603)Click...More...
HerculesHerHerules (Greek Hero)One of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
HorologiumHorThe ClockIntroduced by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in his book 'Coelum Australe Stelliferum' (1763)Click...More...
HydraHyaThe Sea SerpentOne of 48 original constellations introduced by Greek Astronomer Ptolemy - 'The Almagest', c 140 AD.Click...More...
HydrusHyiThe Little SnakePieter Dirkszoon Keyser (1595), Petrius Plancius (1597), Johann Bayer 'Uranometria' (1603)Click...More...
IndusIndThe IndianPieter Dirkszoon Keyser (1595), Petrius Plancius (1597), Johann Bayer 'Uranometria' (1603)Click...More...
LacertaLacThe LizardIntroduced by Johannes Hevelius in his 'Firmamentum Sobiescianum' 1690Click...More...