Image | Camera | Date | Type | Manufacturer | Location | Media | Details |
 | Bache Astrograph | 1885 | Photographic Plate | Alvan Clark | Boyden Observatory, SA | Photographic Plate: Scale of 2cm = 1 degree | More... |
 | Bruce Astrograph | 1904 | Photographic Plate | John Brashear | Yerkes Observatory, USA | 12"x12" & 8"x10" Glass Photographic Plate Chasses. | More... |
 | Crocker Astrograph | 1892 | Photographic Plate | Charles Usener | Lick Observatory, USA | Collotype Photographic Plates; 1.81 degrees per inch. | More... |
 | Daguerreotype Camera | 1839 | Daguerreotype | Various | Universal Location | Copper Plate Coated with Silver Iodide | More... |
 | Dallmeyer Photoheliograph | 1873 | Wet Plate | John Henry Dallmeyer | National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, England | Photographic Plate Chassis | More... |
 | Digital Single Lens Reflex | 1991 | DSLR | Various | Universal Location | CCD Chip Various Sizes | More... |
 | Kew Photoheliograph | 1857 | Wet Plate | Andrew Ross | Science Museum, London, England | Glass Plate coated with a solution of Collodion | More... |
 | Meade DSI | 2004 | Astro CCD | Meade | Universal Location | Colour CCD Chip; Pro models - mono CCD with LRGB filter strip | More... |
 | Oschin Schmidt Camera | 1948 | Dry Plate | California Institute of Technology | Mount Palomar Observatory, USA | Originally 10" x 14" Photographic Plates; now 112 CCDs - 4 x 4 degrees | More... |
 | Photographic Plate Chassis | 1852 | Photographic Plate | Various | Universal Location | Glass Photographic Plates in a Chassis | More... |
 | Revolver Photographique | 1874 | Web Cam | Pierre Janssen | Paris Observatory Museum, France | Glass Photographic Plate Chassis | More... |
 | Single Lens Reflex | 1861 | SLR | Various | Universal Location | Initially Plates then Plastic Film; commonly 35mm | More... |
 | ST2000XM | 2004 | Astro CCD | SBIG | Universal Location | CCD Chip, Electronic Shutter; External Colour Filter Wheel | More... |
 | STL11000M | 2004 | Astro CCD | SBIG | Universal Location | CCD Chip, Electronic Shutter; Internal Colour Filter Wheel | More... |