Kew Photoheliograph Revolver Photographique
Bache Astrograph1885 Photographic PlateAlvan ClarkBoyden Observatory, SAPhotographic Plate: Scale of 2cm = 1 degreeMore...
Bruce Astrograph1904 Photographic PlateJohn BrashearYerkes Observatory, USA12"x12" & 8"x10" Glass Photographic Plate Chasses.More...
Crocker Astrograph1892 Photographic PlateCharles UsenerLick Observatory, USACollotype Photographic Plates; 1.81 degrees per inch.More...
Daguerreotype Camera1839 DaguerreotypeVariousUniversal LocationCopper Plate Coated with Silver IodideMore...
Dallmeyer Photoheliograph1873 Wet PlateJohn Henry DallmeyerNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich, EnglandPhotographic Plate ChassisMore...
Digital Single Lens Reflex1991 DSLRVariousUniversal LocationCCD Chip Various SizesMore...
Kew Photoheliograph1857 Wet PlateAndrew RossScience Museum, London, EnglandGlass Plate coated with a solution of CollodionMore...
Meade DSI2004 Astro CCDMeadeUniversal LocationColour CCD Chip; Pro models - mono CCD with LRGB filter stripMore...
Oschin Schmidt Camera1948 Dry PlateCalifornia Institute of TechnologyMount Palomar Observatory, USAOriginally 10" x 14" Photographic Plates; now 112 CCDs - 4 x 4 degreesMore...
Photographic Plate Chassis1852 Photographic PlateVariousUniversal LocationGlass Photographic Plates in a ChassisMore...
Revolver Photographique1874 Web CamPierre JanssenParis Observatory Museum, FranceGlass Photographic Plate ChassisMore...
Single Lens Reflex1861 SLRVariousUniversal LocationInitially Plates then Plastic Film; commonly 35mmMore...
ST2000XM2004 Astro CCDSBIGUniversal LocationCCD Chip, Electronic Shutter; External Colour Filter WheelMore...
STL11000M2004 Astro CCDSBIGUniversal LocationCCD Chip, Electronic Shutter; Internal Colour Filter WheelMore...